Download iMacros 8.9.7

 Macros stores everything on your PC. In other words, no iMacros information is stored on our website. iMacros is not an online service. We never have access to your macros or scripts. This includes the social scripting feature. Even in this case our servers are not involved.

Technical background information for those who are interested in how it works:

If you want share you macros (social scripting) and select the option "Run everywhere: Embed macro in URL" in the bookmark menu then the macro is encoded in the URL (link). This feature is useful if you want to email the URL (= macro) to your friends and coworkers who have iMacros installed in their browser, or want to embed the macro in your website or blog. This means visitors of your website or Intranet page can run the macro. Again, no macro information is stored on our website. The URL contains the complete macro (For experts: The macro is BASE64 encoded).

You can add the iMacros bookmark url with the embedded macro to a social bookmarking service like Then the information is stored on their website and other users can run your macros. as long as they have iMacros installed in their browser. It is your decision to share your scripts, and our website is not involved in this.

Technically what happens if you call a URL that starts with javascript:(function()... is that if iMacros is installed in that browser, it intercepts the URL and executes the macro. That's all and it happens locally on your machine. If no iMacros add-on is installed, then a simple web page is opened that provides the user with a download link to iMacros.

Passwords are stored encrypted with your master password inside the macro files. So even if somebody would get a hold of your macros, they will useless to him/her without your master password.

You can Download iMacros 8.9.7 Here

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